Monday, May 3, 2010

A Day In The Life Of.....

I know, I haven't written in awhile.
Why you might ask?
Because sometimes in the life of a Housewife, there is just not much happening.
Day to day sometimes repeats itself so much that one day blends into the next day, and if it weren't for the kids in school, I wouldn't know what day of the week it is.
Most of the time, I don't even know what the date is. Its May? Already? When was it April?

Just for a glimpse so you know I'm not making it up, lets look into a typical day of my life:

I wake at 6:45. I don't need an alarm clock. I always wake up about that time. It doesn't even matter when I go to sleep. It could be as late as 4am and I will still wake at 6:45.
Hubby works out of the house, so he sleeps in until 10. Always. Then he spends his time helping me, or working on stuff for his company.
At 7 I wake the boys up and make them breakfast.
I get online while they eat and get ready.
At 7:45 I take them to the school bus. Sometimes if I am not feeling lazy, I will walk them.
Its only 1/3 of a mile, but yes, I admit to being lazy at 7:30am. Forgive me. I do.
I am back by 8.
I read the newspaper from front to back. Except the Sports page. Unless there is something about NASCAR that catches my eye.
Usually I eat breakfast sometime during this time.
Then I get online. Again.
Somewhere between this time and 10, my niece wakes up and I make her breakfast.
Then we watch Dora or Spongebob. Or if she is just playing with her dolls, I will watch Lets Make a Deal, or The Price Is Right. I love gameshows.
The next few hours tend to change daily, but consist of cleaning what wasn't cleaned the day before, doing laundry, taking a shower, going grocery shopping, running errands, watering my garden and flowers, playing with my niece, yardwork, making lunch...
Yada Yada Yada. You get the picture.
I pick the boys up at 3:15 from the busstop.
Then the day becomes a little more hectic.
Sometimes they have friends over so there is lots more noise. It includes playing Wii, or running around our house in circles, or hide and seek, or whatever other game their imaginative minds make up. And always snack time. Since its so hot right now, snack is popsicles, or watermelon.
They do this until about 5.
Then its homework time. Thank goodness Hubby is usually home and can help with that.
During this time I make dinner.
After dinner we either watch a DVR'd show or the kids take their showers.
8 is quiet time when the kids have to read a book for 30 mins.
Ice Cream pretty much every night is next. Always vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles because thats the kids most favorite dessert.
Put the kids to bed at 9.
Now its hubbys and my time. We usually watch a DVR'd show or a Netflix movie. We don't have many tv shows we watch, but there are just enough several favorites that we watch the following nights after they originally aired.
If were not sleepy after our shows we watch the Food Network or HGTV.
Most of the time we watch these shows snuggled together in bed.
For the sake of our privacy, and your eyes, I will leave out any other activities that might be going on during this time.

Thats about it.

And thats ok, because sometimes you just don't need Drama and Excitement in your life.
Daily routines are good and necessary for Happiness in our day to day lives.

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