Monday, May 10, 2010

Sunburned! How Pathetic is THAT!?

Did you have a good Mother's Day? I did. All 7 of us went to the beach and stayed at a Hotel.
No, your not supposed to have 7 in a hotel room, but when several of them are so little, and take up this much [ ] space we might as well take advantage of it while we can.

I got sunburned. I haven't had a sunburn in I don't know, 10 years? Maybe more? Oh wait, I take that back. I did sunburn my tummy when pregnant with my 8 yr old. I was laying in the little kid pool and since I was 8 months prego my belly was just skimming the surface of the water. Next thing me and my super white skin knew, my belly was looking like I was carrying lobsters and not a baby. Oh, and I don't know if there is much worse than being 8 months pregnant with skin that is stretched to the point its creating stretch marks, and then Sunburning it. ouch ouch ouch!!!!
Anyway, shame on me. I sooo know better. I know to wear sunscreen. But thought I'd try and tan my did I already say, SUPER white skin? I'm talking your computer paper probably has more color than I do. Well I have color now! Bright RED color. I will suffer for a few days, and then it will peel away, leaving me with my ever white skin again.
How Dumb was I?
Hello skin cancer, welcome to my pathetic body.

My kids made me the most beautiful things for Mother's Day. My little guy made me a book of "My Mom" Its so cute! You really learn alot about your kids when they do little projects like this. Apparently his favorite thing I have ever done for him is Coc (cook) Hot Dogs. I also have blond hair and a blue ! eye. I am also Gorjitz gorgeous and butifl beautiful. I love it!
My older son made me a pen flower. You know, you take a silk flower, lay it next to a pen, then wrap the stem and the pen in green ribbon. Put that in a handpainted Terra Cotta pot filled with Coffee Beans, and you've got a flower in a pot! He painted it my favorite color. Purple.
My daughter bought a blank canvas and then while Hubby and I were on Date night, her and the kids painted sunflowers on it. They did a great job! Even the 3 year old painted a flower. It was brown and green, but hey, it was handmade so it was beautiful. I will hang it in my living room, where I have lots of Sunflower stuff.
Yes, my fav flower of all time is Sunflowers. They just look so happy. Like sunshine. With smiles.
Hubby and I don't exchange presents, instead we go out on Date nights, like sushi nights. We'd rather the time instead of trinkets or such. Although last year, he got me a Purse from Dillards. Of course it was 'from the kids' but I had pointed it out while shopping and he surprised me with it. Its still the purse I use every day!
So Hubby got me a sentimental card. Now we just need to go out for sushi in the next few days, and I will be totally and completely happy!

MMMMM sushi!

Happy Monday!

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