Sunday, April 18, 2010

A post of stupid people and delicious food

So my week was so full! Full of what? Full of Not Much topped with Nothing Much.

It was a difficult week. A stupid family crisis that never even needed to happen, let alone turn into a crisis. But for the most part it is over and things can begin to settle down for a few months. I say a few months, because then the crisis will start over, only this time, I hope, that my family lets me be able to say what hubby and I have to say our way, and that my #$%!& parents stay the #%^&* out of it. Like they should of done in the first place.
But whatever, they made their beds and now they can sleep in them.

Ok, enough about stupid people and stupid stuff.

I have been trying to do more exciting culinary things. I wish my kitchen was bigger like it was in AZ. My kitchen, in the home we still own tho we live 2300 miles from it, was so big and nice. Not gourmet, but lots of counter space, a center island, and a pot rack that my so ingenious hubby created and built by himself, leaving me with even more room in my cabinets. This kitchen in this house is small. Its funny because this house is 600+ sq ft bigger, but smaller pathetic kitchen. I barely have room to chop several items at once.
So anyway, I have been on a cooking adventure the last few years. 12 years ago, you would of called me the TAKE OUT QUEEN. Or the boil a hotdog and Mac N Cheese. Then I started dating my hubby and I dont know, somehow the whole 'the way to his stomach is thru food' thing came into play. First I started with boxed ewww god that turns my stomach today
foods like Hamburger Helper. After awhile I got more comfortable, and moved on to a more Sandra Lee style of cooking. Lots of processed foods, but with a touch of homemade.
After moving out here, and no longer working, I found a blog in which the writer makes things from scratch. She also talks about how much junk processed food has. The more I read, and then researched, the more I realized how much garbage is actually out there, and I HAD BEEN FEEDING MY KIDS IT!
I embarked on a new method. No more boxes, no more canned soups, no more canned veggies, no more canola oil, no more red dye#40, no more msg. You are getting the picture right?
Its been a work in progress. You cant just throw it all away in your head and start anew. But the last few years, I have been cleaning out my head attic and slowly but surely its becoming a place where I can put new ideas.
As I grow more comfortable in my abilities and techniques, I am ready for bigger challenges.
So my goal each week is to create, and by create, I really mean copy and change to suit families tastes new and more complex healthier meals for my family.
Last night was roasted garlic roasted eggplant pasta. It was soo scrumptious. And not technically difficult, just different for us. My kids loved it. Hubby unfortunately saw the ingredients, and with him its a I see Veggies Ewww kind of thing, and anytime he thinks theres something in it he wont like, no matter how good it is, he puts up a wall.
Oh well, WE all knew it was good!
So, on to more fun, healthy and hopefully tasty meals for my family.

And all others be damned! I mean that in the most sincerest way too.

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