Friday, May 21, 2010

3AM Must Go Make That Damn Chili!

Oh geez.
Its 3am. What did I tell you??????
Theres a song by Matchbox 20 where he sings its 3am. Can't think of the words just at the moment, I'm still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes... oh well.
So TONIGHT I am up because I awoke with a start...
'OMG! I forgot to start the crockpot chili that I need for tomorrow tonight! I gotta get cooking!
We are having chili dogs. And cole slaw and grilled pineapple and corn.
Oh, and Chi Chis! Thats Pina Colada made with vodka instead of rum. I am not a rum person at all. Blech. But hubby went out yesterday and bought Seagrams Xtra Smooth Vodka for the Pina Colada mix. (sshhhh... don't say anything, but my x hubby made some awesome pina coladas with fresh pineapple, coconut milk and pineapple icecream... sooooo yummmy. And since it is so hot out, and we have an entire pineapple to cut up, I thought pina coladas for our party would be fun)
We are having our friends over for a GO MAGIC game. I hope hope hope they win! They are down 0-2. Yuck. Then again so are the Suns. I would love I think for a Magic/Suns final. But I seriously would have no idea who to root for. I'm an AZ native that has always wanted the Suns to have a championship, but now I'm in FL and gotta support the home team, who by the way, have also not won a championship.
However, it looks like I wont have that problem of choosing since BOTH teams are down 0-2. NOOOO NOT the damn ass Lakers. Anybody but them. and Preferably one of my teams.
Anywho, back to the chili, you HAVE to start ahead of time. The flavors just taste so much better the longer they sit.
I should of made this yesterday, put it in the fridge, then reheated it in the crockpot today.
But I was a tad BUSY yesterday.
It was Prom night for my 18 year olds. Which meant, since I am a Cosmetologist after all, that I do the hair and makeup.
No problem right?
Right! LOVE doing the makeup. Daughter K turned out awesome. She never wears face makeup, but I applied it and it looked great. Then I did her eyes like she has never done and it looked great. I also painted her toe nails and applied rhinestones to them. Beautiful!
Daughter C's makeup also turned out great although it required her washing her face half way thru.
We had gone to Ulta a few days ago and bought her new face makeup. It was a good color match, and covered her few red spots well. But yesterday the makeup seemed to cake and flake off. She has been trying to clear up some acne spots that of course just seemed to flare up recently. Takes after her dad. And of course when using acne products their purpose is to dry the skin. Hence, dry flaky makeup spots.
So she washed it off her face and we started over. I used my $75 face makeup on her. The color matched good. But since I don't have acne, just wrinkles, it isnt a great pimple coverer. is that a word? I applied some of the other makeup over the acne spots and it helped. Not completely but good enough.
Then we started on the eyelashes. OMG. I watched a Rachael Ray episode and the guy applied them like he was eating candy. Easy Peasy. Right?
Maybe if you have the correct product its easy. But I bought crappy stuff from a Vietnamese nail supply. My fault. I should of paid attention to the stuff I picked up. The glue was Black! Hello! Then it immediately got thick, so I had to keep pouring out new stuff out of the .01 oz bottle. The lashes were individual ones. As you can imagine, it took me an HOUR to apply the eyelashes to both eyes.
but let me say this... OMG! False eyelashes make your eyes POP! If you need a WOW look, apply them! Just don't buy crappy product and don't get it in DARK when you are as white as a ghost. Lots of eyeliner helped that problem.
I also styled her hair in that Miley Cirus style. You know the one, long flowing curls that aren't really curls. Beautiful!
The girls looked simply marvelous! Daughter C's dress was beyond gorgeous! Long, pink, flowing, ruffly, form fitting, strapless. So so sososososooso pretty!
Daughter K's dress was a short dark blue strapless. Gorgeous!
Earlier in the week I had bleached C's hair and added red to K's hair.
My friend did their nails, but I added the finishing product like glitter and rhinestones to them.
The prom is at Epcot. So nice living in Orlando. All the kids functions are at a theme park!
They had a great time! Minus a friend getting in a car accident BEFORE prom. No drinking, just simply an accident. Bummer.
Ok, gotta go start on the chili. I think I will watch the last Celebrity Apprentice before the finale while I cook. Go Bret Michaels.
Was not much a fan before, although I was in love with Poison as a teen. But after watching him, I really actually like the dude. And it has nothing to do with his health issues.
Although I am very saddened for him and hope he recovers and has a long long life ahead of him. My younger brother was/is such a fan of his, that he changed his name to Bret at 18.

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