Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lazy Sunday

There are things that need to be done. I need to do laundry. I need to go grocery shopping. I need to pick up the house and probably vacuum it.
Will I do those needs?
Yes, but maybe not today.
In fact, probably not today.
In truth, Nope. Wont get done.
Today is Sunday. Today is a lazy day. Im entitled right?
I am so lazy today that I had my wonderful saint hubby take our 6 year old son to a birthday party for his girlfriend. Yes, I said GIRL friend. My 6 year old son and this girl are the best of buddies. When I pick my kids up from the busstop in the afternoon, he and Girlfriend stare and wave at each other until they physically can no longer see one another. The father of this Girl looks at my son like "If you were older than six, I would so kick your ass for looking at my daughter in that way." To which I think, "If your daughter was older I would so smack her across her face for giving my son that 'come hither' look." Of course neither of us would ever do such a thing, but it does cross our minds.
Its crazy, once your children were these little beings who only had eyes for you. Now they are starting to realize that Mommy and Daddy are not the only people in the world. Although they are still way too young to realize that someday they will be looking for mates to grow old with that will not be Mommy or Daddy, you as a parent can see that glimmer, having lived thru it yourself.
As much as Hubby and I want to take our son, and cover his eyes and pretend that the entire world is still all about Mommy and Daddy, Hubby took him shopping for an HOUR yesterday for a girl toy for a 6 year old, when neither of them had any real idea of what to buy. My advice, anything DOLL like and you'd be just fine. Then son and Mommy woke up early, I got him dressed in nice clothes, teeth brushed, hair combed, while Daddy woke up early, put on his clothes and a hat so lucky, and got in the car to drive him to the party.
Then in 2 hours one of us Daddy will get back in the car and pick him up.
We will see the sparkle in his eyes, having spent his morning with his favorite girl next to Mommy of course.
The rest of the day will be spent lounging on the couches, checking facebook, and watching the Masters on Golf. We will be rooting for the guys in our golf pool, and of course Phil Mickelson, a home town fav, while also watching Tiger, and marveling at how despite the fact you can completely screw up something so good, you can make a come back, and grow into a stronger, wiser if you are Wiser because you learned a lesson person.
I will ponder on what to cook for dinner all day. Having made homemade spaghetti two nights ago, and Hamburger Mac n Cheese homemade of course because I hate processed food last night, I do not want a heavy pasta dish tonight. But, since I am too lazy today to go to the store, I will use ingredients I have on hand. Will it be a baked crispy garlic chicken dinner? Or a chinese beef, ginger noodle dinner? Or pork chops with baked apples? Oh the choices. And I will not decide until its late, because thats how I am sometimes. Especially on lazy Sundays.
I love that this is my life, and my choices, and not a single person in my house will care that the laundry is still sitting in the laundry basket, or that the floors are not vacuumed.
I will let my other son play the Wii. And my niece play with her dollies. We will hang out and just enjoy the simple fact that we can just simply hangout.
And that will be my day.

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